Make Your 6 Figure Program A Reality Through ABB.
- On September 28, 2021
- By Tracy Blehm
- Comments Off on Make Your 6 Figure Program A Reality Through ABB.
Having a 6 figure program is not as difficult as you might think.
In fact one simple thing, one simple daily step changes it all….and the only time we don’t do this one simple step is when we have some kind of belief system either known or unknown stopping us.
See women entrepreneurs are not lazy. They are no okay with mediocre or just enough. True women entrepreneurs want more.
Of course they do! Why else would they take the risk of starting their own business? It’s scary as heck out there and most people won’t do the work to make it happen.
You obviously are because you are here reading this now.
So let me tell you about ABB.
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I am referring to always be building your client list.
Moreover, no matter what you have going on in the day, spend some time growing your client list and your 6 Figure Program sales will follow.
Growing your 6 Figure Program list means…
- More eyeballs on your program and your offering.
- You are nailing your message and people want more.
- Having more conversations. Conversations = sales.
- You are, or are becoming, the expert in your field.
- Your success mindset and success habits are becoming stronger and stronger everyday.
- People who are looking for you and the transformation they desire can find you.
So You Must “Always Be Building”.
If you are in the process of figuring out a program – start growing your list right now.
In the event that you don’t have a program yet, it is important that you know who you are desiring to work with…..clearly.
No wishy washy – I help everyone stuff. The clearer you are, the easier it is to find your people and to write to their pain points….to be of service to them as the expert you be.
Once you know who you desire to work with you have a few options for building your 6 figure program list.
- Create a lead magnet that puts them into your newsletter sequence
- Friend them on social media and have a conversation
- Invite people who are your ideal client to join your group (PRO TIP: Make sure your group is assisting them with their pain point and don’t add just anyone)
By the same token, if you have a program and it’s not flying off the energetic shelf – start growing your list right now
Or have you built up your list of the right people that align with your program?
If not you have a few options.
- Create a lead magnet that puts them into your newsletter sequence
- Friend them on social media and have a conversation
- Invite people who are your ideal client to join your group (PRO TIP: Make sure your group is assisting them with their pain point and don’t add just anyone)
…okay so it’s the same list….because it’s the same steps!
For the most part, it doesn’t matter where you are at, you need to start and you need to do it consistently.
Now you don’t want to get overwhelmed with it all and I am here to help you with it.
Here are 5 Tips to get you always building your list
I like to do mine right at the start of the day when I have completed my walk by the river, I have breakfast in my belly and a fresh delicious cup of coffee in my hands. Life is amazing and I desire that for those I reach out to.
This is a no-option to skip kind of booking in my business. Each and every single work day.
What have they got going on? Are they posting their issues. Do you see something that’s going on that you can assist them with? Are they asking questions, do they have an event or function going on that you can share?
PRO TIP: Don’t like or share anything that doesn’t authentically resonate with you. This needs to be a true connection. We are humans and want human interaction.
Now this one might seem a bit mechanical but what you track grows. How often have you reached out to them? Are they active or not at working on what you could be assisting them with?
Pssst if they aren’t, they probably aren’t go getters so move onto a different conversation.
….yes this includes your personal pages. People are more likely to check out your personal page than your business pages because they want to see who you truly are.
All of these steps are the tool “ABB”.
Therefore, doing this daily means that you will always be building.
In your business of selling your 6 figure program offering you must always be building. This is NEVER a once and done. It is to be done before a launch, during a launch, after a launch, in between launches. Always.
In other words, make it your habit for your business. When you come into your office, turn on the computer, set your intention, ABB, then check your emails, then get into work….that’s my success sequence.
Worried about going down a rabbit hole when you get into social media?
Worried About Going Down a Rabbit Hole When You Get Into Social Media?
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Set a timer on your phone with an alarm that gets your attention.
I tried a harsh one – didn’t like it. Now mine is chimes…as is it’s the end of a sacred ritual…which I guess it kind of is. It is my sacred time, interrupting their sacred time.
I am also a fan of setting intention before I start my daily ABB of building my list.
“My 6 figure Signature System is the perfect solution for my ideal clients and I am here to serve on the highest levels” ….that’s another of my success sequences.
I am not here to serve everyone with everything.
No thanks.
This will also stop your ABB in its tracks if you are doing that.
For example – I am here to assist women experts, trainers and therapists create a 6 figure course so that they can take their life and living back. Make boat loads of money and enjoy life to the fullest on their terms without guilt.
Anyone who doesn’t fit that, I don’t have conversations with….sounds cold?
Mmmm no not really.
In fact, remember the sacred time comment? I do not want to waste any of their precious time with solutions I don’t have. And I don’t want to waste my precious time when I could be of service to others, myself and my family. That is not building that is time lost.
So there you have it.
Sit down, put together your game plan, create your spreadsheet and get ABB’ing.
Let me know how it works for you in the comments below and I will see you in the next blog.
If you are an Expert, Course Creator or Therapist and want to personally work with me to build a 6 Figure Signature Program >>> Click here to apply for my coaching program
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