Success Tool – Boost Your Business Mindset With Affirmations in 3 Steps
- On May 25, 2021
- By Tracy Blehm
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I know, I know, you have heard of affirmations before and think they are hokey or silly.
They are typically a point of fun in movies where the powerhouse business person is telling themselves in the mirror “you are a strong and capable leader”.
I hear you and I thought the same thing for years.
Then I opened up my first business and had breakdown after breakdown after breakdown.
I was miserable.
Where was all of the fun of being the boss? And all the time freedom? More importantly where was all the money going? It sure wasn’t going into my pockets!!
There were many tearless nights….and days. Times where I went to “pick up supplies” which was code for driving around in my car crying and feeling like a failure.
I was putting in a crazy amount of hours, getting very little sleep, packing on weight like I was prepping to hibernate for 25 years. Scared that my kids were going to love the daycare staff more than me because I never had time to spend with them.
Then I took this voodoo class (as my hubby and family referred to it at the time) and they talked about how affirmations reversed the negativity. Instead it programs what we believe, how we engage and what actions we take when presented with various situations.
And I will tell you, what I was telling myself in those days was not pretty….
At this point I had nothing else to lose but my house. I had been driving around on my spare tire for 6 months because I hadn’t been able to make enough money to replace it for fear of not making payroll for the team.
So it began – stating the affirmations 10x in the morning and 10x at night.
It’s true. I didn’t do it fully committed the first few days – possibly a full week.
Then things started to change. I started to feel fired up. Chasing down things I never did before. Cutting and chopping things out of the business that were not making money and stopped worrying about upsetting people that we no longer offered them.
I let people go who were not aligned with the company vision instead of feeling bad. Started creating products and services that WERE aligned with where I desired the company to go. Put in boundaries and taking care of myself. I said no – A LOT.
Then the money started to flow in. I felt like I could breathe instead of constantly feeling like I was suffocating.
My skip came back into my step that was there the first time I decided to leave behind my Architecture and Design career to start my own business.
People started showing up out of nowhere to work with me, partner with me, promote me. Life just got easier.
I went from having that sickening feeling in my stomach 24/7 about how I was going to pay the $30k in overhead again this month to “whoo hoo” $25,000 in my jeans each month… my investment advisor was very happy too!
So what were the affirmations that creates this?
Let me share them with you.
- Affirm what kind of business you own in terms of a monetary number that lights you up. Key words being “lights you up”. If you go for a million just cause or because that is what everyone says – no light = no juice. Example: “I am a $120,000 business owner” attracts very different things than “I am a $250,000 business owner”. Etc
- Declare what you are in relation to your offerings to your five star clients. Own it. Be it. Again no one needs to know what your affirmations are because they are for you. Just for you. Make sure that you use words the make you feel strong saying them. Example: “I am THE top hairstylist in Calgary” or “I am a kick ass teacher”.
- Intend what and how you attract in relation to your clients and those you serve. This is important because you don’t want to do business with just anyone. When we are working with people that are not a good fit – they don’t do the work, and you feel drained. True story – when I first was working as a fertility therapist there were certain clients that when I saw their names on my booking roster for the day I would feel the energy leak out of my boots. Then I had to talk myself into feeling good because I didn’t want the other clients to suffer.
These were the clients who were always full of excuses. They never did the work. Dragged their feet. Blamed spouses, kids, you name it. And some of them would even say to me “I need you to get me motivated “. Say what? How could I motivate you to do the work to get pregnant?
Now let’s be clear. These are not bad people. They are just not my people. So I made an affirmation for that. Nowadays it is very easy for me to tell people “Sorry I am not your coach, therapist, motivator…whatever”
Examples: “I attract motivated clients with ease” or “I am a magnet for high end clients” or “ I attract five star clients who purchase my services with joy and gratitude”
Now don’t be fooled by the simplicity of this and don’t make it harder than it needs to be. I use what I call the tooth brushing rule. I say it 10x in the morning before I brush my teeth (or after if my morning breathe peels paint) and 10x in the evening before I brush my teeth for bed.
So I invite you to give it a try and see what shakes out for you.
I would also love to hear what your affirmations are so be sure to drop me a line and share.

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