3 Things You Need In Place Before You Make a Program Sale
- On November 23, 2021
- By Tracy Blehm
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There are three things that you require to have in place before you launch your six figure signature program and make your first program sale.
And these three things are typically missed because we get so excited about what we’re launching.
![excited program sale](https://i0.wp.com/tracyblehm.com/wp-content/uploads/excited-program-sale.gif?fit=500%2C392&ssl=1)
We get so excited about the sales pages, the launch pages that thank you pages, making sure that deliveries running correctly that we will sometimes miss some very basic things.
So I want to share them with you so that you have everything in place as a true professional. When we put these key pieces in place, and why I say a true professional, is it means that we are telling everyone including the universe that we are open and ready for business.
So let’s talk about the three things to have in place before your first program sale.
Now. First of all, don’t get freaked out by them.
This is just a key thing for getting your business up and running.
It’s like if you were opening a brick and mortar business, you would need to get a city or town license.
This is the same thing.
These pieces help keep you safe and protected as well as laying out boundaries for your clients before, during and after your program sale.
Don’t skip them. Have lawyers review them. I am not giving you legal advice here. Rather I am bringing you awareness that these items are needed.
![program sale terms](https://i0.wp.com/tracyblehm.com/wp-content/uploads/tablet-4435872_1920.jpg?fit=768%2C512&ssl=1)
1. Terms & Conditions For a Program Sale.
Even if you have a signature program where someone signs a contract with you, you must have terms and conditions on your sales page as a link along with on your website or wherever it is your housing stuff. This is so that if they click they can go to a document that lays out the exact terms and conditions for purchasing your program, using your program and how it will all work.
Again, I would highly recommend having a lawyer review it for you. You can google terms and conditions and read through those recommendations to get an idea of what will work for you. Rough it out and then take it to your lawyer for final review before putting it online.
Your Terms and Conditions apply to wherever it is that you do business. So you’ll also need to look into what works for your city and your country or province or state. So that’s why getting a lawyer involved is an excellent investment.
![program sale privacy](https://i0.wp.com/tracyblehm.com/wp-content/uploads/regulation-3246979_1280.jpg?fit=768%2C360&ssl=1)
2. Privacy Policy.
Now depending on your CRM or your website, a lot of times they will have basic privacy policies.
These relate to what you do when you are collecting people’s information. What will you do with their information and how will you protect their information. This is very important because of spam and GDPR requirements.
It also increases your client’s trust. This document assists them with their perception of your business as being trustworthy.
A privacy policy also ensures that you have thought through your legal obligations surrounding the management of client data and associated risks surroungind data loss or theft.
By putting this together, it allso allows you to ensure that you have a system in place about how you are going to protect your client data.
![program sale insurance](https://i0.wp.com/tracyblehm.com/wp-content/uploads/family-2073604_1920.png?fit=300%2C225&ssl=1)
3. Correct Business Insurance
Now this is very important. The reason why a lot of times business owners will have their basic insurance for wherever they’re offering their services, and they don’t have insurance that will protect them otherwise.
So for example, I have insurance for my therapy practice, I have insurance for my consulting business and I have insurance for my coaching practice. They are different kinds of insurances.
When you start offering programs and something that that can be purchased and downloaded. You will need different insurance including an errors and omissions insurance.
And what that does is it protects you from them saying, well, you didn’t tell me how to do this so I’m suing you after your program sale.
Now very rare to people get sued.
It’s kind of like having hail damage insurance on your house.
We’ve had it for years. We’ve owned our home for 23 years, and this year we had to use that hail insurance. So you want to ensure that you are protected.
You can get errors and omissions insurance through anybody that offers business insurance. You will need your regular commercial liability insurance before you can add on errors and omissions insurance. So all of its really good to have and you will also put in that into your terms and conditions that you carry this. Your insurance will vary depending on what you are selling and where you are selling it. They will require you to provide certain information to clarify that you have yourself covered in the contract.
Most insurance providers will assist you with this lingo if you haven’t quite got it correct.
You want to have these 3 key pieces in place before you have your first program sale.
Do your research, do your due diligence. Do not copy and paste from other people and think it’s good enough because it will relate to where they are doing business out of.
So if someone buys from me and they are in the US, all legal cases will happen in Alberta, Canada. Same with you if you live in New Zealand and someone buys from you from Germany. All legal proceedings will take place in the area that you live in, in New Zealand.
So get yourself up set up properly. Talk to the correct people. Be safe, make it happen. Nail those program sales with confidence knowing that you are a true program business ready to kick butt and take names.
I look forward to seeing you in the next article.
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