50 Best Business Quotes To Amplify Your Vision Board
- On January 11, 2023
- By Tracy Blehm
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Business quotes are a must on a business vison board.
How do I know that?
I have been building vision business boards since 2000…yes I know that dates me but it’s true…and I have mastered this system so that if something doesn’t show up in my business that I have asked for and aligned all of my actions and myself to…something’s majorly wrong.
In short, I love them… and I have done the business quote searching for you.
Here are the 50 best for you to amplify and magnify your business vision board this year.

2. I only sell the highly valuable outcomes my ideal client’s desire.
3. I love promoting my holistic business.
4. I attract only seriously committed, 5 start clients into my business.
5. I will work until the money in my business account looks like a phone number…and an international one at that!
6. The longer I stall on taking action, the more money I’m losing.
7. The goal is living life on my terms and a wealthy thriving business provides exactly that.
8. Money is only a tool and it can take me anywhere I wish.
9. I create my life so instead of complaining when it sucks I choose to change it.

11. Doubting myself kills more of my dreams than any of my failures ever will.
12. All things are difficult before they are easy so I embrace that challenges with gusto.
13. I never feel guilty for doing what’s best for me.
14. No matter how slow I go, I’m still miles ahead of those who aren’t taking action.
15. My future is created by what I do today
16. The best revenge is massive success
17. It may get hard, but hard doesn’t mean impossible
18. The more I consistently implement what I learn about business the more I earn.
19. I was born to make an impact through my business

21. I will never apologize for being a powerful and successful woman
22. I wake up every morning curious about how far I can expand my business and impact in the next 24 hours
23. I choose to become so successful that my signature is considered an autograph
24. I choose to create so much wealth for myself through my business that I never have to check the price tag.
25. Money is what buys my time freedom and I create both easily
26. I never take my eyes off my business targets
27. I remember that the reason I’m doing business is to make an impact while creating financial freedom
28. First they watch, then they hate, then they copy…and that’s never about me.
29. I put my energy into my future and my goals. Everything else is a waste of time.

31. People may throw stones at me. I don’t throw them back. I use them to build my empire.
32. When the road ahead seems impossible, I start the engine.
33. If the world seems cold, I start fires.
34. I choose to always align with money making frequencies
35. I am willing to do the work that others are not and receive the financial reward for doing so.
36. I open up fully to receive millions each year by prioritizing my commitments and taking aligned action daily.
37. Each day with every breath I become tuned stronger and stronger to receive millions
38. My energy is fully synced with all of the prosperity that is available to me always
39. There is unimaginable wealth and opportunities available to me through my business and I welcome it all

41. I only create and offer what is in the highest good of my clients
42. Me showing up as me is worth all the prosperity that my business brings in
43. It’s so easy for me to accept myself as a wealthy person with a highly successful business
44. It’s easy for me to acknowledge the value I bring to the world through my business
45. It’s easy for me to be highly compensated through my business because of the value that I am and that I offer to my clients
46. The more money I make, the more freedom I experience and the more people I can help
47. Money throws itself at my business because of my strategic messaging and systems
48. The more I work on my business the more freedom, wealth and creativity it creates that makes my soul sing
49. Everyone who gives me money feels blessed to be a part of my world

So there you have it!
If you are looking for more information on how to get fully aligned in your business, I invite you to check out my other blog: 5 Steps To Manifest Your Holistic Dream Business.
Or if you’re sitting and thinking “Hey, why in the heck aren’t I creating a kick butt holistic signature program offering that adds 6+ figures to my dream business?” then reach out to me.
Let’s connect and get this solved for you today. Because with your passion, and with my Signature Program Mastery training that includes video trainings, step by step workbooks and private 1:1 coaching you can masterfully craft a holistic signature program offering and signing on new high ticket health clients sooner than you might realize.
So if you want to enjoy all the money, freedom, the time freedom and the really deep, rich fulfilment of having a high ticket healing business that you love, then this is the perfect moment to reach out and to talk about getting trained on building a core offering that becomes a rinse and repeat to wealth WITHOUT sacrificing client impact or YOUR body, mind and soul.
You can check it out here: WHAT’S SIGNATURE PROGRAM MASTERY?
Let’s have a conversation and see if this is a fit for you and your viral program creation!

PS: I founded my company to empower female holistic professionals to have financial independence through signature programs. And that means you showcasing your expertise in a unique to you and your clients program. It means you are making incredible income. And it means you expanding and fulfilling your potential at the highest level because you get to have it all – money, time freedom and fulfilling your soul’s divine purpose at the highest level.
So if you are ready to stop trading time for money, increase your impact and your income then let’s connect. Book a Free Business Breakthrough Call here
PPS: The wrong holistic business model creates and income cap and burnout whereas the right program could change everything for you.
Get a head start by subscribing to our youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/TracyBlehmCoaching
Talk to you soon!