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      The Secret to Getting Incredible Client Results

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      When you are able to get incredible client results it not only benefits you but it powers up your confidence to share your offering even more.

      This blog post is for you if you are a Holistic Professional, if you want to build a Signature Program, if you want to earn tons of money offering holistic services and expertise and you want to make an incredible impact.

      Then you are in the right place.

      We are your signature program igniters and want to assist you with creating your unstoppable you.

      In this blog I am going to show you how to amplify your client results with a few simple questions to change the perception and mindset of the people in your program.

      Most program creators inadvertently make the mistake of building their programs superficially. Or they kind of wing it when they are putting together their programs. For example, they don’t have a clear tangible transformation that they are creating in that they are attempting to shift or heal as many things as possible related to their niche.

      This approach doesn’t work. It also explains why most clients are not referring others to your program.

      work client results

      For you the Signature Program creator, this also creates extra work. Extra work in the form of having to constantly find new clients instead of benefiting in the easier organic expansion of your business through referrals.

      It also creates doubt for you that you are indeed the expert in your industry.

      Rather you want to focus in and go deep on one thing.

      One Simple Transformation = Incredible Client Results.

      Creating a Signature Program is more than putting everything you know about your ideal client’s pain points into it. Building out a lucrative Signature Program that creates incredible client results is a methodology.

      A methodology to your Signature Program ensures that there is a full knowingness of where you are leading someone with your program.

      We want to have a crisp, clear path and implementation to our program so that it creates clarity for your client not more confusion or overwhelm.

      We want them to only complete what is necessary to change their lives for the better. Versus having a bunch of “nice to haves” which will have them focusing on the easy things that don’t get the results they signed up for because they have enough “tools” to avoid doing the real work.

      That’s not the type of program creator that you aspire to be If you are here reading this, I know that about you.

      Rather you want:
      • the healing the body, mind and soul of your clients right?
      • to provide a program that you know are going to create transformation.
      • expert knowingness with unstoppable confidence in your healing abilities.
      • to be the visionary who has the power to create transformation for your clients with your Signature Program.

      Most importantly you want to be the holistic professional who gets incredible client results!

      When this happens you get to experience:
      • endless referrals coming into you through happy clients.
      • being the service provider that gathers amazing testimonials, which are like gold for your business. Testimonials are priceless.

      This is where you are someone who creates financial abundance for yourself through your Signature Program. And why? Because you’re a total Rockstar.

      client results rockstar

      On the flip side not having a program methodology, and the powerful system within that methodology here’s what can easily happen:

      • Your client gets to a trigger point and they stop doing the work. They get so far into the program and the excuses start. They don’t have the time, they don’t have the energy, the kids needed them….or worse….they vanish.
      • They stop showing up period.
      • They won’t respond to any of your communication.
      • For you personally, you end up second guessing yourself with every person in your program.
      • You start to tell yourself you could have done better or you should have included this or that.
      • You will then question if you have the proper training to be able to provide this transformation to them.  
      I’ve been part of programs that are so friggin powerful and I’ve been part of programs that were not that were with big name coaches. The client results were just not there.

      They didn’t deliver the transformation they promised….AND….they included too much so it added an intense amount of overwhelm into my world while I was part of their program.

      They’re smart. They’re savvy. They want to be seen or felt and led, in a powerful way. Anything less than that – they don’t have time. They don’t have the time or the interest.

      You want to avoid all of that happening.

      Instead, you want to three simple things to grow your Signature Program business. This enables you to leap into that six coveted six figure space and up from there.

      Really it’s pretty easy to do, actually while making an impact for your clients.

      Here’s how I want you to think about your Signature Programand everything I’m saying here today can be one on one or group – it doesn’t matter. It’s all the same.

      client results secret

      The Secret is:

      No matter what your Signature Program is – it is here to assist with these four key goals for every client within your program.

      Number 1 Elevate or expand what a client thinks is possible for their health and wellbeing.

      Number 2 Move a client forward towards the specific transformation they signed up for.

      Number 3 Amplify a client’s understanding of themselves or understanding of the situation that they’re in or clarify of the transformation they want to achieve.

      Number 4 Reframe and release what is holding them client back so that they make different choices and implement different strategies for success. This prevents them from sliding back into old ways, habits and thoughts.

      client results tracy blehm

      I’m absolutely convinced that if you use our powerful program creation methodology you will be able to create a 6 figure or higher Signature Program business year after year.

      Imagine what it would be like when every time you attend a workshop or are part of a mastermind meeting, are part of a networking event, whatever it is, whether it’s online or in person


      The reason I’m convinced is because you’ll be a standout holistic expert and when you walk into a room or show up for a meeting online, or in person – you will be feeling calm, confident, and knowing that you create incredible client results.

      I’m sharing this because in the beginning my programs were not powerful. I didn’t know what I was doing. I took a few courses. Watched what others were doing and then whipped something together.

      When I started asking for feedback from my clients, I was getting the same thing:
      • Too much offered.
      • No clear transformation based on what they thought they were going to get.
      jam packed client results

      But then I did figure it out. And then the percentage of success went through the roof. It was no longer a problem to assist people getting pregnant. Therapists becoming packed solid in their 1:1 practice. Certification workshops to add to their practice. It was simply a methodology to it.

      Building a Signature Program is a skill you can learn and master. Plus when you do, you’re going to see how easy it is to sign on high end clients. To get those speaking opportunities. Have people scrambling for partnership promotion opportunities. You’re going to feel like a total Rockstar.  

      You’re going to be able to create results with your clients that lead to new client referrals because your clients are happy and that gives you amazing testimonials.

      The ability to produce incredible client results matters more than your marketing.

      You can do a whole lot less marketing when you’re a powerful holistic expert because of getting referrals and testimonials. The incredible client results of your Signature Program helps sell people. It helps attract people and sell them on you.

      Let’s Talk A Bit More About Creating Incredible Client Results

      We have we have multiple ways of moving a client forward that we teach inside of our Signature Program Mastery training.

      What you want to do is within the program create contrast. Creating contrast can also be called creating distinctions. This is where the big A-HA’s come through for people so that they are motivated to keep going.

      It creates a response, kind of like flipping a switch so that the client flips out of what they are currently creating in their lives into desiring and implementing what it takes to create the transformation they want.

      This creates extreme clarity for your client. It is human nature to get fixated on the idea that all we do is wrong. But by building this into your program, it causes a client to see a situation or a goal in an entirely new light.

      By doing this you create the “BOOM MOMENT”

      This is where they make the decision that they are done with all of it and they are ready to keep going. This is where you create the impact for your client.

      They are standing in their power in a way that maybe they’ve never even previously thought was possible for themselves.

      An easy way to do this is to include a piece or a module on mindset.

      I love coaching mindset. If you haven’t heard me say it before –

      Mindset Leads – Action Follows

      We work on mindset through the entire Signature Program Mastery training because it is such an important piece.

      So say for example we are talking with a client about adding certain supplements to their diet….and they are the giant horse pill kind…and your client isn’t a pill popper.

      You need to dig into her mindset so that she is excited every time she takes that supplement. How are you going to do it?

      You talk about how she feels right now and then what she will “be able to do” when she does take them.

      This is creating contrast.

      This is still a bit too superficial and going deeper into creating that contrast. Go deep into the emotions of what is and what will be gives the A-HA that powers the motivation.

      If they don’t have access to you, you can provide them a question template in a worksheet about staying on track. Of course you can go over these in a group or in person session as well.

      Some Examples To Create The A-Ha For Client Results Could Be:

      1. By taking supplements to create ______ what would you be saying to yourself?
      2. What are you taking a stand for in your health by taking supplements to make you stronger?
      3. How would be being healthier look like to you?
      4. What if taking supplements was no longer an option?
      5. What if the idea of hating taking supplements wasn’t true?
      6. Can you think of a good reason to not take the supplements?

      By your clients getting clear on all of this, it makes the decision to move forward with the program and recommendations to create the health transformation they desire easier.

      Moving forward with this type of empowerment enables them to achieve the incredible results they have signed up for.

      If you want to get trained and mentored on how to build out a signature program. And you want to get super clear on who you serve and how, so that you feel confident. You’re prepared and  you have things ready to go. You learn how to build it all out and deliver it. Moreover if you want to make a ton of money, I mean a ton of money, then you definitely want to get your hands on what we have waiting for you inside of Signature Program Mastery.

      You can check it out here:

      Check it out, let’s have a conversation and see if this is a fit for you.

      I look forward to seeing you in the next blog!



      signature program mastery logo

      PS: I founded my company to empower female holistic professionals to have financial independence through signature programs. And that means you showcasing your expertise in a unique to you and your clients program. It means you are making incredible income. And it means you expanding and fulfilling your potential at the highest level because you get to have it all – money, time freedom and fulfilling your soul’s divine purpose at the highest level.

      So if you are ready to stop trading time for money, increase your impact and your income then let’s connect. Book a Free Focus Clarity Consultation here:

      PPS: If you want more support and tips around mastering health and wealth as a holistic professional? >>> Join our free group to get access to exclusive trainings, videos and challenges.