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      Making An Offer? The #1 Thing To Tell Yourself

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      Making an offer – gross right?

      Well if that is how you truly feel, my educated guess is that you are struggling to create the success level in your business that you desire to have.


      Because selling your stuff – making an offer – feels gross to you at your very core.

      This means you probably aren’t marketing yourself well or to the right people (that’s self sabotage for you) or you are not doing it consistently.

      And if you aren’t doing it consistently then the clients aren’t flowing in and neither is the money.

      So then we are in constant chaos trying to get something to work.

      The root of it all?

      We don’t believe in ourselves or our offerings.

      So let me show you the difference with making an offer, and I encourage you to read this with an open mind versus a negative mind.

      Say you have the cure for cancer.

      Now please don’t go into – well if I had the cure for cancer that would be different….

      So you have the cure for cancer. And you are talking to a person that is the ideal candidate for your cure for cancer and you don’t tell them that you have their cure for cancer because they might say no.

      The thought of making an offer makes you feel awkward. Maybe you worry they might think you are greedy. They might tell you that your cure is overpriced. Perhaps they might tell you that if you are a good person you would be offering it at a lower price or for free.

      So you don’t make the offer.

      And they continue with their problem of cancer.

      How would that make you feel? That they could have had your option if you were okay with making an offer.

      People can still say no to a cure for cancer. In fact lots of people do. Being involved in health care for over 17 years I saw it. Lots of it. Who knows why? That was their choice.

      Now you might not have the cure for cancer. But you have the cure for something. You have the solution that will impact their lives in some great way that makes it easier for them, happier for them in whatever arena your gifts and expertise lies.

      Do you have the cure for procrastination? How about the cure for healthy cooking? Perhaps the cure for strengthening your intuition. Could be you have the cure for balancing books for businesses. Or how about you have the cure for wrinkles?

      What is your solution that you are not making an offer with?

      So you have this solution. And you know it can be their solution – not everyone’s solution – but this ideal person you are talking.

      However your mind is chattering away about not being greedy or pushy. You don’t want to be seen. Possbily you feel uncomfortable in your skin or maybe even a little sick to your stomach.

      How do you possibly overcome this?

      Before I get into any conversation that might be about making an offer I breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth a few times to center myself.

      I then say in my head, or out loud if I am going to be on a phone or zoom call,

      “My 6 Figure Signature Program Formula is their perfect solution for creating impact, wealth and time freedom in their lives and business. They need my assistance and I am here to serve on the highest levels to my ideal clients”

      Now you will see that I mention “my ideal clients”. That means that sometimes the person says “yes” to me and it is a “no” on my end. That is still okay. It means that if it is not a perfect fit for either side, it is a no and we can be brave enough to say it.

      Then it becomes about choice instead of all the negative ways we have made ourselves wrong or have allowed others judgements about how we do business make us wrong.

      So I encourage you to try this out. Tell yourself this repeatedly. Say it even if you are not having an offer type conversation. Build it into your neural pathways. Consciously make it part of your success belief system.

      I know it has done wonders for me.

      Let me know how it goes and I will see you in the next article!



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