The Number One Thing You Need to Sell Your Program
- On August 24, 2021
- By Tracy Blehm
- Comments Off on The Number One Thing You Need to Sell Your Program
So here you are. You have designed the perfect transformation for your ideal client. And now you are ready to sell your program. Now what?
There is a difference between successful program sales and meh program sales and it’s the one thing people avoid doing.
Now they may be avoiding it because they don’t know how. Or they are scared of screwing it up. They could be huge procrastinators. Whatever it is, you will want to spend some time, quiet time, figuring out which camp you have pitched your tent on this so that you can take appropriate action forward.
So What Is The Number One Thing To Sell Your Program?
You need a marketing system…stop groaning let me explain.
A marketing system is what brings you consistent sales and cash flow… aka sell your program. It’s a repeatable system that you use over and over again. The same message, the same system over and over again…and tweaked every single time.
So before we get into what that looks like, let’s get into what it’s NOT.
- A random spattering of social media posts all over the place. You need a game plan with a strategy.
- Putting two things out there, half assed and getting zero sales. It’s more effective to be consistent and build your online brand/personality.
- Spending hours posting your product in other people’s groups under promote yourself posts where everyone else is putting theirs….no one reads others, they post and leave. I have yet to meet someone who received a client or made a sale through those.
- Offering services or offering everything including the kitchen sink hoping someone will bite. Simple sells. A confused mind says no.
- Doing events that don’t include your ideal customer and their pain point. You will not find corporate women at a lady’s wine and dine networking event during a business day.
- Blowing money on ads that are not clear on your ideal customers’ transformation. Saying you sell empowerment just doesn’t cut it.
So what is a marketing system?
A marketing system is a strategy that you use over and over again in one spot, attracting a certain type of client with a dialed in message.
It also includes education and relationship building.
You rotate this system every 6 – 8 weeks so that you are building consistent cash flow.
This is how you sell your program.
So Where Do You Start?
So for example – I hate facebook.
But that’s where all my fantastic clients hang out.
You might love facebook but your clients hang out on Instagram, linked in, tiktok or youtube. So you need to learn a different platform. It's about them not you.
You need to figure out where the elephants are if you are hunting elephants people.
Pick one platform. Not 10.
So continuing with the facebook example:
- Create your business page – fill out your profile to match your new program….all of your profile
- Do the same thing with your personal page. Because your personal page has now become part of your marketing system. Segment out your family and friends for those posts you don’t want others to see and get to it
- Start friending people who are your ideal client. You get 5000 friends so trust me they are not all buddies. Rather they are people who need you and you are pumped to be of service to them. Start a relationship with them.
- Learn how to do facebook lives
- Discover how to do facebook stories
- Determine if a facebook group is what is going to work for you
- Figure out how to use the scheduler
- Learn how to upload a video post
- Explore how to do events and event setup
Own and crush facebook with a facebook marketing strategy for consistent posting/promotions.
This also goes for other platforms. Pick one. Figure out all the goodies it offers and then use it masterfully to sell your program.
**PRO TIP: Mastering one social media platform will get you to the high 6 figures if you master it. Trying to master Facebook, Instagram, Linked in, Youtube, Clubhouse, Twitter, Tik tok, etc will just chew up all your extra time. It also means that you are not a master at making that platform profitable for you.
Having a crappy day? No problem do your strategy to sell your program.
Enjoying a great day? Do your strategy to sell your program.
Didn’t get any sleep last night? Drink a cup of coffee and do your strategy to sell your program.
Car got broken into? Call the cops and then do your strategy to sell your program.
Fighting with your neighbor over covid vaccinations? Stop mowing their half of the lawn and do your strategy to sell your program.
Had an amazing client day? Celebrate and do your strategy to sell your program.
Implement it always.
People need to see and hear you 7-14 times before they will reach out or purchase….so do your strategy.
Yes this is part of your strategy.
What worked, what didn’t work. As a result, there are things that can be polished or changed.
Were there comments you got that you could answer ahead of time on the next round?
What needs a different image?
Does something need a different title?
What is perfect?
Could there be things that need to be tossed out?
and again….okay then again….and again. Sell your program lady! Change those lives of your ideal clients.
So there you have it. Selling your program can be easy, you just need to put together a plan and make it happen.
I would love to hear about which platform you are going to crush and own!
See you in the next blog!
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