Comments Off on Business Boundaries Failing You? How To Stop It.
Boundaries are king when it comes to getting things done and keeping your energy high. It’s how we can easily carve out time in our workday to work on the business.
Comments Off on Branding For Your Business-3 Reasons Why You Need It No Matter What Size
Branding is so much more than your logo and your colors. Yes you do need to pick those, but at the end of the day no one has ever purchased anything from me because they love my logo and website colors
Comments Off on Making An Offer? The #1 Thing To Tell Yourself
Making an offer – gross right? Well if that is how you truly feel, my educated guess is that you are struggling to create the success level in your business that you desire to have.…
Comments Off on Are you having a shittastic day? Here’s why I think that’s awesome….
You can say as many mantras, clearings and affirmations you want. I do…. I love them. ….and sometimes….. …..just sometimes….. We have a fabulously shittastic day. What is this you ask? It is a day…