How To Ensure That You Are Not Creating The Wrong Program For You!
- On October 18, 2021
- By Tracy Blehm
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Oops are you accidentally building the wrong signature program for you?
In spite of doing all your client research, did you forget to ask a few questions about what you want?
Did you skip some of these critical signature program questions that relate directly to your desires such as….
- What kind of business lifestyle do you desire?
- Do you desire the ability to only have to work 3 days a week, maybe 4 if you feel like it? And even then, you only want to have to work 6 hours. But they will be focused, no horsing around kind of 6 hours.
- Do you want to have any interaction with live people? Or yes live but only over zoom? Or maybe not at all. You really don’t like being in front of people at all, but boy oh boy do you have the skill set and knowledge that people want.
- How about the ability to travel? Do you want to go around the world and not be tied to an office or a single location?
- Is it individuals that light your fire or do you like commanding large groups at a time?
These are all very important questions to ask before you set out to design your signature program.
Of course it is critical that you know who you serve, and the transformation that you provide. BUT these questions will determine how you serve them.
Because if you don’t have these answers and you jump into the designing and creation of your signature program you will not be happy with the business you create.
We will barely want to get out of bed in the morning….and why….because we hate the business we created.
Our beautiful, impactful and profitable signature program is not giving us what we want. Sure it gives the clients what they want because like studious wealth mavens we did our research. We know exactly what our ideal client wants and the transformation they are willing to pay for.
….we forgot to take into account how we desire to live.
Let me give you my example.
I left Architecture and Design because I hated the hours. Everything was a rush. Everything was a “very important” last minute deadline and I never got to spend any quality time with my daughter and I had number 2 in the oven growing like an over yeasted loaf of bread.
In other words, it wasn’t giving me the lifestyle I desired. I was also falling out of love with the clients we served. Things changed once I had my first daughter and it was extremely difficult to ignore.
Then I became a therapist. Loved the clients, loved the hours, desired more wealth to create the lifestyle I desired.
Boom, opened a clinic…did not ask the above mentioned questions and what happened?….yes I left but wait there’s more….
I ended up working the exact same crazy hours as I did in Architecture and Design. Back to THAT stupid lifestyle except this time I was the boss.
And it was that realization that – this time I was the boss – that had me thinking and asking those questions.
Massive time freedom. The ability to work anywhere so I could travel with my kids. I desired 1:1 time with clients and group time with clients. I wanted to assist them with creating a 6 figure business. I wanted to sit in my zone of genius – program creation & automation. I prefer snippets of time live in front of people with majority over zoom….mostly so I don’t have to clean my house…remember I don’t want to be tied to an office.
I wanted to work 4 hours a week….sometimes only 3 weeks a month. I want to have a high 6 figure, eventually 7 figure business and I am willing to do the work necessary to get there. Why that high? Because I want to give back to my community, my family and buy myself things I desire without stressing about money.
So guess what kind of lifestyle my 6 Figure Formula signature program gives me? In case you haven’t figured it out, re-read the above paragraphs.
In fact, knowing what kind of business lifestyle you desire makes it that much easier to design your signature program.
It takes away all the options that “don’t work for you” out of the program building equation.
The delivery options become simpler, not to mention, what you will and will not include is clearer. The whole thing just smooths out.
So with this in mind, I invite you to sit down for 20-30 min with pen and paper in hand and answer those questions, come up with a few of your own and write out what your ideal business lifestyle would look like.
Time freedom and profits is always on the table when you start to design and choose what works for you first.
Be sure to let me know in the comments what kinds of a-ha’s you have had and what you are going to be building as your ideal business where you are serving your ideal client in a way that is a win-win for you both!
Happy designing!
If you are an Expert, Course Creator or Therapist and want to personally work with me to build a 6 Figure Signature Program >>> Click here to apply for my coaching program
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